Valley View swamp sits strategically at the headwaters of Govetts Leap Brook which downstream flows over the Bridal Veil Falls and into the Grose Valley, providing one of the most spectacular sights in the Blue Mountains.
The strategic location of Valley View Swamp at the head of Govetts Leap Brook means that a weed infestation there impacts the National Park.
The swamp is located on Valley View Rd in Blackheath and behind properties on Wentworth Street, Eady Street and Carters Lane. It adjoins the Golf Course and includes an area of native bushland extending along Valley View Road.
Over many years the swamp has become degraded through severe weed infestation and silt runoff from surrounding roads.
In 2018 a group of local residents who were concerned at the state of the swamp formed a regular group to commence rehabilitation of the area, meeting informally on the second Thursday of each month. The group was known as the “GITS” (Guerillas In The Swamp).
In 2019 BMCC agreed to support an official Council Bushcare group at the site and the Valley View Swampcare group was formed.

The value of swamps in the environment is becoming increasingly apparent and appreciated. Swamps act as sponges holding moisture within the environment and providing a controlled release system so that creeks may continue to flow even during periods of drought. Swamps support a delicate balance of flora and fauna which enables them to operate effectively and this can be disrupted by the invasion of weeds and siltation from stormwater runoff.
Valley View swamp has been severely impacted by both large and small weeds. Major large weeds found in the swamp are Holly, Privet, Cotoneaster and Radiata Pine. Smaller weeds are Himalayan and Japanese Honeysuckle, Blackberry, Broom, Gorse and Tutsan. In some areas weeds have completely taken over from the native vegetation and formed an almost impenetrable barrier. This has a devastating impact both on wildlife and the operations of the swamp. Larger weeds remove significant moisture from the swamp.

Valley View Swampcare Group has made significant inroads into the weed infestation of the swamp. However, there is still much to be done in terms of weed removal, rehabilitation of the area through replanting and regeneration of native species and management of stormwater runoff. BMCC has recently undertaken significant stormwater remediation work to control silt and stormwater runoff from Hargraves and Valley View Roads.
Valley View Swamp is a beautiful and strategic area impacting the National Park. Its rehabilitation will help protect Govetts Leap Brook and areas downstream and improve the amenity of the local area by providing more pristine bushland views for adjoining properties.
The Valley View Swampcare group meets on the second Thursday of each month from 9am until 1pm. New members are warmly welcomed and neighbours particularly are invited to become involved in this very satisfying project. Tools and training are provided by the BMCC Bushcare Officer.
BMCC Bushcare Officer Steve Fleischmann
Local contact Ian Glover 0421 430 077